30 things to do before im 30.

So, with my new found positiveness since reading http://thesecret.tv/ I decided to do a sort of ‘bucket list’ of things I wanted to do before reaching the big 3-0! I have 3 years left to do them so im determined to get them done. I think its a way of making sure I live life to the full and have stories to tell the grandkids when im old and grey. Who knows, it might give me a cool and romantic ‘this is how me and your gramps met’ story. It took me a while before I could list the whole 30 on my list – ive done quite a lot of stuff that would usually go on a bucket list which was also good to find out. Im not as boring as I thought. So, here it is, my 30 things to do before im 30 list!!
1) Run a marathon
2) Go to Ibiza
3) Go skinny dipping
4) Crash a wedding
5) Say yes for an entire week
6) Learn to surf
7) See the northern lights
8) Have an outdoor hot tub break
9) Visit 30 countries – 11 left to go
1 USA 2 Spain 3 France 4 Belgium 5 Germany 6 Australia 7 Bahamas 8 Cuba 9 Czech Republic 10 Poland 11 Dominican Republic 12 England 13 Northern Ireland 14 Greece 15 Maldives 16 Mexico 17 Portugal 18 Wales 19 Jamaica.
10 Own my own house
11) Own a pair of louboutins
12) Buy a homeless person fid/drink
13) Write a letter to myself in 10 years
14) Eat in a restaurant on my own
15) Go a week without buying something other than food
16) Start saving for my retirement
17) Fall in love with the man I wilk spend the rest of my life with
18) Kiss someone in the rain
19) Learn anew skill/hobby
20) Leave post it notes for strangers – achieved 16th June 2014
21) Get arrested
22) Kiss a girl
23) Try something ‘different’ sexually
24) Meet a guy in just my underwear underneath a coat
25) Tie messages to balloons and send them
26) Get drunk in Las Vegas
27) Climb a mountain
28) Volunteer/give blood
29)  Go to Adrians Wall
30) Learn to tell people how I feel.

So there we have it. Thats my list.  Some of them you may think are quite lame but to me they are important and something ive wanted to do for a while.  This is my reason to get them done. If you want something why wait. Have you got your own bucket list? Are you considering doing one now. Let me know, id like to hear from you and share ideas.


Do a good deed

After splitting with the copper I needed to give my head a wobble and get my shiz together, I remembered about a book that I’d read a few years ago, that I thought was amazing but for one reason or another I never actually put it into action. That book is “http://thesecret.tv/.” It teaches you about the law of attraction and that like attracts like. I started to read it again, from then I felt myself feeling more positive about myself, I started to smile again. I’d wake up every morning and list at least 5 things that I was thankful for in my life. The Secret shows you that no matter what you go through there is always something in your life to be thankful for. I was having a conversation with a girl about it and she mentioned a book that she just read called Just a girl, standing in front of a boy. In it the girl had had a breakdown and was going through a hard time. Her friend came up with a list of things that she should do every day that would help her feel positive about herself, give her a reason to get out of bed and smile again. Sure enough it worked. See the list below….

1) Phone a friend once a week.
2) Grow something.
3) Count your blessings. List at least 5 things in life you are great full for.
4) Have a face to face conversation with someone.
5) Give yourself a treat.
6) Laugh.
7) Exercise. Even if its just 10 minutes.
8) Smile or say hello to a stranger.
9) Do a kind deed.
10) Watch less TV

I loved the list, im particular number 9. So, here I am, Im already starting to feel positive about my life and myself. Im going to start to write about my good deeds and hopefully these will help others feel positive too. After all, we are all fighting our own battles arent we. It is surprising just how a smile or a compliment from a complete stranger will brighten up your day. So join me in the random acts of kindness. Let me know if youve had something done for you or if you’ve done something yourself for someone. Send me pictures of notes youve left or recieced and how it made you feel.
